Steel shots will be lost due to various reasons during use. In order to avoid excessive consumption of steel shots and maintain an effective cleaning speed, the steel shot manufacturer reminds you that you should take the hardness and density of the steel shots as the criteria for purchase. :Liaoning Steel Wire Cut Shot
1. The hardness of steel shot determines the service life of steel shot
The hardness of the steel shot is directly proportional to the cleaning speed. The higher the hardness, the faster the cleaning speed. On the contrary, the greater the consumption of the steel shot, the shorter the service life. The production process of the steel shot determines that the size of the steel shot is not uniform. The larger the diameter, the higher the efficiency of cleaning rough surfaces, but the greater the wear on steel shots.
The relationship between steel shot hardness and rebound
2. Steel shot with sufficient density can have stable quality
The density of steel shots is also an important factor in determining the service life of steel shots. Only steel shots with sufficient density can exhibit stable quality, and can reduce cracking and wear during cleaning.
The relationship between steel shot density and life
Through the above analysis of the hardness and density of steel shots, Yafei Te Metal Abrasive Co., Ltd. reminds you:
(1) The hardness of steel shot is directly proportional to the cleaning speed and inversely proportional to the service life. Therefore, the hardness is high, the cleaning speed is fast, but the life is short and the consumption is large, so the hardness of the steel shot should be moderate (approximately HRC40-50) to produce the most economical effect.
(2) Moderate hardness and excellent resilience. Every corner can be fully cleaned during blasting to reduce processing time.
(3) Internal defects such as pores, cracks, and shrinkage holes will directly affect its life and increase consumption.